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S'han trobat 132 ítems
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Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Introspection on control-grounded capabilities. An agent inspired approach for control |
Quintero Monroy, Christian G.
2008 |
Local model predictive control experiences with differential driven wheeled mobile robots |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
; Ferrer Plana, Jordi
Local model predictive control experiences with differential driven wheeled mobile robots |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
; Ferrer Plana, Jordi
Long-term mapping and localization using feature stability histograms |
Bacca Cortés, Eval Bladimir
; Salvi, Joaquim
; Cufí i Solé, Xavier
2013 |
Long-term mapping and localization using feature stability histograms |
Bacca Cortés, Eval Bladimir
; Salvi, Joaquim
; Cufí i Solé, Xavier
2006 |
Mobile robot experimental modeling and control strategies using sensor fusion |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
Mobile robot experimental modeling and control strategies using sensor fusion |
Pacheco Valls, Lluís
; Luo, Ningsu
29 setembre 2003 |
Modelling stereoscopic vision systems for robotic applications |
Armangué Quintana, Xavier
Modelling stereoscopic vision systems for robotic applications |
Armangué Quintana, Xavier
17 març 2011 |
Monitorització mediambiental mitjançant un robot submarí autònom |
García Campos, Rafael
17 novembre 2008 |
A Multi-agent Architecture with Distributed Coordination for an Autonomous Robot |
Innocenti, Bianca
A Multi-agent Architecture with Distributed Coordination for an Autonomous Robot |
Innocenti, Bianca
2004 |
A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Salvi, Joaquim
; Forest Collado, Josep
A new optimised De Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Salvi Mas, Joaquim
; Forest, Josep
28 novembre 2019 |
Online 3D view planning for autonomous underwater exploration |
Vidal Garcia, Eduard
17 març 2011 |
Ordinador, ajuda’m a detectar un càncer |
Freixenet i Bosch, Jordi
2003 |
Overview of coded light projection techniques for automatic 3D profiling |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Salvi, Joaquim
; García Campos, Rafael
; Matabosch Geronès, Carles
Overview of coded light projection techniques for automatic 3D profiling |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Salvi Mas, Joaquim
; García Campos, Rafael
; Matabosch Geronès, Carles
2004 |
Plane-to-plane positioning from image-based visual servoing and structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Collewet, Christophe
; Chaumette, François
; Salvi, Joaquim
Plane-to-plane positioning from image-based visual servoing and structured light |
Pagès Marco, Jordi
; Collewet, Christophe
; Chaumette, François
; Salvi Mas, Joaquim
19 novembre 2021 |
Presentació dels Campus Sectorials i InnovaGirona |
Ortiz, Jesús
16 setembre 2003 |
A proposal of a behavior-based control architecture with reinforcement learning for an autonomous underwater robot |
Carreras Pérez, Marc
A proposal of a behavior-based control architecture with reinforcement learning for an autonomous underwater robot |
Carreras Pérez, Marc
15 abril 2010 |
Què hi té a veure un robot submarí amb ajudar a detectar un càncer? |
Freixenet i Bosch, Jordi
; Carreras Pérez, Marc
9 desembre 2015 |
Robòtica educativa |
Muntaner, Eduard
; Bartrons, Laura
; Verdaguer, Montserrat